Senin, 23 April 2012

Karnaval Batik Tegal 2012: Pawai Corak Batik Tegalan

Seakan tidak ingin tertinggal dari Yogyakarta, Solo, atau pun Jember, Kota Tegal juga akan menggelar sebuah event karnaval khas daerahnya yang bercorak batik. Acara yang pertama kali digelar tersebut bertajuk Karnaval Batik Tegal atau Batik Carnival dan akan dilangsungkan pada 28 April 2012 di pusat Kota Tegal.

Kegiatan ini dilangsungkan dengan tujuan memperkenalkan koleksi batik Tegalan dalam rupa rancangan busana, juga berkaitan dengan hari jadi Kota Tegal ke-432. Acara ini akan diikuti 125 peserta dan designer handal dengan melibatkan siswa sekolah tingkat pertama hingga perguruan tinggi serta sejumlah perusahaan swasta di Kota Tegal.

Karnaval akan dimulai sore hari dimulai dari Pendopo Balai Kota kemudian berpawai di sepanjang jalan protokol sekira 3 km. Pawai tersebut nantinya merupakan pawai umum yang melibatkan pawai pejalan kaki dan pawai kendaraan bermotor dengan tema batik tegalan.
Karnaval Batik Tegal juga akan melibatkan desainer luar Tegal untuk memamerkan rancangannya. Disajikan pula berbagai mode pakaian dengan bahan khusus batik khas Tegalan. Batik Tegalan memiliki corak khas tersendiri yang khas membedakan dengan corak batik dari daerah lain seperti batik Solo, batik Pekalongan, batik Cirebon, batik Madura, ataupun batik Yogyakarta.

Untuk memeriahkan acara nantinya akan digelar berbagai macam perlombaan, hiburan seni dan pementasan. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memperkenalkan batik tegalan kepada masyarakat dan mendukung Program Rumah Karnaval agar agenda karnaval tersebut menjadi bagian dari agenda karnaval batik lainnya. 

Kabupaten Tegal sendiri merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dengan ibu kota Slawi. Kota ini terbilang Strategis karena berada dijalur lintas antara Semarang-Tegal-Cirebon serta Semarang-Tegal-Purwokerto dan Cilacap. Untuk menuju kota Tegal, Anda dapat melalui angkutan umum nasional lintas Jakarta-Semarang atau Jakarta-Surabaya. Ada pula kendaraan bus dan minibus rute luar kota seperti lintas Semarang-Cirebon, Semarang-Tegal, Tegal-Purwokerto dan dalam kota seperti lintas Tegal-Pemalang, Tegal-Slawi, Tegal-Brebes, dan lainnya. Kota Tegal juga dilewati moda kereta api transit dari jalur Jakarta, Semarang, maupun Surabaya.

Comment : What a beautiful Indonesia!! Too much beautiful things in Indonesia. As I know, Indonesia has more than one million type/style of Batik. Every provinces in Java Island has their own type/style of Batik. It’s really show us that Indonesia has a characteristic that we can remind about Indonesia. But unfortunately, there’re still not too concerned about the wealth owned by Indonesia.

Dahlan Iskan Sisihkan Gaji untuk Pak Raden

JAKARTA, - Menteri Negara BUMN Dahlan Iskan akan membantu beban hidup drs. Suyadi yang lebih dikenal sebagai Pak Raden, pencipta karakter, film dan boneka Si Unyil. Dahlan bahkan rela menyisihkan gaji bulanannya untuk menghidupi Pak Raden.

Kebetulan Pak Raden masih hidup membujang, meski usianya sekarang sudah mencapai 79 tahun. Pak Raden juga tidak memiliki anak, meski anak angkat. Sehingga Pak Raden lebih suka hidup sendiri dan melakukan kegiatan sehari-harinya sendiri. "Saya akan usahakan penghasilan bulanannya," kata Dahlan di kediaman Pak Raden di Slipi Jakarta, Jumat (20/4/2012).

Dahlan menganggap bantuan itu adalah hal yang wajar. Apalagi bantuan itu juga tidak terlalu besar.

Sehari-hari, Pak Raden diperkirakan hanya akan mengeluarkan ongkos untuk biaya pengobatan, biaya untuk pembantu, makan minum dan mungkin hanya untuk keperluan kecil lainnya.

Sebelumnya, Dahlan Iskan silaturahim ke kediaman Pak Raden di Jalan Petamburan III No 57 Slipi Jakarta Barat setelah sholat Jumat di masjid dekat rumah Pak Raden.

Kedatangan Dahlan Iskan tidak melalui protokoler resmi dan bahkan tidak masuk dalam jadwal resmi kegiatan Menteri Negara BUMN.

Comment : I think it’s not a strange thing. In Indonesia, when a people has one achivement that make an influences for their country. They just remind when Pak Raden give our children education from his doll that called Unyil. I’m proud with my childhood, because when my childhood has so many television program that made us entertain with that program. let Pak Raden has been credited with advancing the perbonekaan industry in Indonesia, the world's scientists Indonesia in which there were people, they are given less attention to advance research or life. Not strange that they would prefer out to foreign country, migration from this Indonesia. Don’t knows what this government is actually looking for, but I am proud of Mr. Dahlan Iskhan who have put aside some money to help Pak Raden which is required to be helped.

Selasa, 03 April 2012

Structure and Written Expression- with an answer and causes

  1. Calculus, _________elegant and economical symbolic system, can reduce complex problems to simple term.
a.      It is an
b.      That an
c.       An
d.      Is an
Answer : C
Causes : because the word is elegant, so it must use an and an elegant and economical symbolic system is noun phrase that express.

  1. In cold weather, growers place wind machines_________the grows to keep the air circulating and to warm up the citrus corps.
a.      near to
b.      near of
c.       next to
d.      nearby
Answer : C
Causes : next to is an idiom with preposition word.

  1. Most of Caju French who live in Lousiana can neither read________the French variety that they speak fluently.
a.      nor they write
b.      nor write
c.       or writing
d.      neither write
Answer : B
Causes : neither is a conjunction that need nor to be equal between verb read and neither.

  1. The average temperature of rocks on the surface of the earth________55 degrees F.
a.      be
b.      are
c.       is
d.      been
Answer : C
Causes : the best subject for agreement is is.

  1. This old desk isn’t______to sell, but maybe we could give it to someone.
a.      goodly enough
b.      good enough
c.       good as enough
d.      enough good
Answer : B
Causes : an adjective is use for need expression before enough.

  1. Our daughter and son-in-law visit my wife and_____every Christmas.
a.      mine
b.      my
c.       I
d.      Me
Answer : D
Causes : object pronoun is use as complement.

  1. The situation had cured________a misunderstanding.
a.      for
b.      of
c.       because of
d.      because
Answer : C
Causes : because of is use for cause expression before noun, like a misunderstanding.

  1. The assignment for Monday is to write________about your home town.
a.      a five-hundred-word composition
b.      a five-hundred-words composition
c.       a five-hundreds-word composition
d.      a five-hundreds-word composition
Answer : A
Causes : because in English, an adjective don’t have plural type.

  1. George belongs to the_________
a.      class of the upper middle
b.      upper middle class
c.       class from the center up
d.      high medium class
Answer : B
Causes : the most exactly structure.

  1. Because the farms in our country produce less food than the people need, some products must_____from abroad.
a.      to bring
b.      bring
c.       brought
d.      brings
Answer : B
Causes : modal auxiliary verb is followed by verb one.

  1. Mr. Duncan does not know_______the lawn mower after they had finished using it.
a.      where did they put
b.      where they did put
c.       where they put
d.      where to put
Answer : C
Causes : the most exactly structur is C, becase its an adverb clause.

  1. Botanist are not sure where the plant was grown or even__________.
a.      what plant was
b.      it was what plant
c.       what plant was it
d.      what plan it was
Answer : D
Causes : its an adverb clause

  1. Bernars Foucault_______in 1851 that the earth rotating.
a.      who proved
b.      proved
c.       he proved
d.      it was proved
Answer : B
Causes : Simple Past Tense

  1. The teacher suggested that her students______experiences with ESP.
a.      write a composition on their
b.      to write a composition about the
c.       wrote some compositions of this or her
d.      had written any composition for his
Answer : A
Causes : because its a past subjective with verba suggested.

  1. The doctor insisted that his patient________
a.      that he not work too hard for three months
b.      take it easy for three months
c.       taking it easy inside of three months
d.      to take some vacations for three months
Answer : B
Causes : because its a past subjunctive with verba insisted.

Source : Soal-soal untuk Meningkatkan Score TOEFL by Mien Kasmini, S.Pd. , Dr. Siwi Ultima, M.Pd. and Dra. Umi Prahastuti, M.Si.

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